
The symposium aims to bring together leading researchers from various fields, including astronomical observation, analysis of extraterrestrial samples, theoretical modeling of star and planetary system formation, computational chemistry, laboratory experiments on gas phase reactions and surface chemistry. Our goal is to discuss the latest advancements and challenges in the field of astrochemistry.

Invited speakers

Silvia Alessandrini (U. Bologna, Italy)
Harold Connolly Jr. (Rowan U., USA)
Izaskun Jimenez-Serra (CSIC-INTA, Spain)
Ralf I Kaiser (U. Hawai'i, USA)
Hiroyuki Koshida (U. Tokyo, Japan)
Valerio Lattanzi (MPI, Germany)
Charles Law (U. Virginia, USA)
Angel Mojaro (NASA GSFC, USA)
German Molpeceres (CSIC, Spain)
Hiroshi Naraoka (Kyushu U., Japan)
Nami Sakai (RIKEN, Japan)
Daniel Wolf Savin (Columbia U., USA)
Hyung-Joon Shin (UNIST, Korea)
Ian Sims (Rennes U., France)
Hikaru Yabuta (Hiroshima U., Japan)

DAY1 – November 19

08:30–09:00 Registration desk open
09:00–09:10 Opening remarks – Shogo Tachibana
09:10–09:55 Harold Connolly Jr. – Asteroid Bennu as Revealed by the OSIRIS-REx Sample Analysis Team
09:55–10:15 Tetsuya Hama – Infrared band strengths of dangling OH features in amorphous water
10:15–10:35 Atsuki Ishibashi – Reaction of CO + OH on dust surfaces: major production of HOCO rather than CO2
   Coffee break
11:05–11:25 Takuya Majima – Negative ion formation on methanol droplets and ice surfaces induced by fast heavy ion collisions
11:25–12:10 Hiroshi Naraoka – Organic molecules in Ryugu: Their origins and formation mechanisms
13:50–14:35 Hiroyuki Koshida – Molecular Interactions and Temperature Dependent Structure of Water on Surfaces
14:35–14:55 Yousoo Kim – TBD
 Poster & Coffee
15:55–16:40 Angel Mojaro – TBD
16:40–17:00 Yao-Lun Yang – Complex Organic Ice in a Young Protostar Unveiled by JWST IFU Spectroscopy
17:00–17:20 Kenji Furuya – Incorporating binding energy distribution in astrochemical kinetic models

DAY2 – November 20

09:00–09:45 Charles Law – Sulfur Chemistry in Protoplanetary Disks as a Window into Planet Formation
09:45–10:05 Yoshihide Yamato – Observations of Sulfur-bearing Molecules in the Inner Disk of HD 163296
10:05–10:25 Ayano Komaki – Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks
   Coffee break
10:55–11:40 Ralf I Kaiser – Radical-Radical Reactions in Circumstellar Envelopes of Evolved Carbon Stars: An Overlooked Source of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
11:40–12:00 Joshua Herbert Marks – Candied Stardust: Molecular Mass Growth Processes of Sugars in the Circumstellar and Interstellar Medium
 Group Photo & Lunch
13:50–14:10 Hiroshi Hidaka – Measurement of Local Contact Potential Difference Distribution on Amorphous Ice Surface Using Low-Temperature Atomic Force Microscopy
14:10–14:55 Hyung-Joon Shin – Controlled dissolution of a single ion from salt
 Poster & Coffee
15:55–16:15 Naoki Watanabe – TBD
16:15–17:00 German Molpeceres – Examples of unconventional hydrogenation reactions on interstellar dust grains
17:00–17:20 Yuri Aikawa – TBD

DAY3 – November 21

09:00–09:45 Ian Sims – Absolute rate coefficients and branching fractions for low temperature reactions and inelastic collisions of astrophysical interest
09:45–10:05 Tatsuhiro Murakami – Dynamics simulation study of the thermal rate coefficients and branching fractions for the ion-molecule collision reactions
10:05–10:50 Daniel Wolf Savin – Laboratory Studies of Key Gas-Phase Astrochemical Processes: Electron- and Ion-Driven Reactions
   Coffee break
11:20–11:40 Yuji Nakano – TBD
11:40–12:00 Kunihiro Okada – Measurement of reaction rates between acetonitrile and nitrogen molecular ions
12:00–12:20 Shogo Tachibana – TBD


DAY4 – November 22

09:00–09:45 Valerio Lattanzi – TBD
09:45–10:05 Masashi Tsuge – Methane formation via the sequential hydrogenation of carbon atoms on icy grains: A remarkable effect of adsorption states
10:05–10:50 Izaskun Jimenez-Serra – Towards prebiotic chemistry in the interstellar medium
   Coffee break
11:20–12:05 Nami Sakai – Exploring Chemical Diversity in the early stages of Solar-type protostars with ALMA
 Lunch & Organizer meeting
13:50–14:10 Yoshimasa Watanabe – Oxygen Isotope Ratios Derived from CH3OH Isotopologues in Orion KL
14:10–14:30 Shota Notsu – Chemically layered structures and ionisation in the disk and envelope of NGC 1333 IRAS 4C: FAUST
14:30–15:15 Silvia Alessandrini – Computational modelling of molecules and their gas-phase formation pathways in the interstellar medium
 Coffee break
15:45–16:05 Daniel Harsono – Water in low mass protostars
16:05–16:25 Ryota Ichimura – Carbon Isotope Fractionation of Complex Organic Molecules in Star-Forming Cores
16:25–17:10 Hikaru Yabuta – TBD
17:10–17:20 Closing remarks – Nami Sakai


Hajime Tanuma – Mobility of H_3^+ in H_2 gas and that of D_3^+ in D_2 gas at 77 K

Hanako Enomoto – Revealing the Compositional Diversity of the Amorphous Silicate Dust around AGB stars

Haruki Ota – Theoretical study of thermal rate coefficients and branching fractions in ion-molecule reactions involving H2D+, HD+, and D+ with HNCO

Hidemasa Teraoka – Application of microscopic attenuated-total-reflection infrared spectroscopy to in situ surface analysis of plant cuticle

Hiroma Okubo – New insights on the nearby galaxy NGC 1068 with multi-line analysis by unsupervised machine learning

Hiroshi Kohguchi – Measurements of Ion-molecule Reactions of NO+ and Hydrocarbons

Ian Fitch Mochida – Surface coverage of dangling OH bonds on interstellar amorphous water ice

Ivan Judah Manoraj – Central Star and Nearby Massive Star Influence on UV Synthesis of Organics in Protoplanetary Disks

Judit Ferrer Asensio – CH2DOD: Spectrum intensity measurements with SUMIRE

Jun-ichi Takahashi – Terrestrial biomolecular homochirality induced by spin-polarized lepton radiation in interstellar environment and primitive planetary atmosphere

Kensei Koizumi – Desorption of hydroxyl radicals in the 213 nm photodissociation of liquid oleic acid

Kenta Mizuse – Molecular movie spectroscopy for van der Waals clusters

Kentaro Noguchi – Development of high-pressure reflection high-energy electron diffraction for studying the structure of vapor-deposited ice

Kota Iwata – Analysis of surface structure of ice-I by high-resolution atomic force microscope

Masahiko Okumura – Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study of Amorphous Ice Covering Interstellar Dust

Megumi Matsumoto – Investigation of impact melt splashes on Ryugu particle surfaces: Records of interplanetary dust impacts on asteroid Ryugu

Moe Mishima – Jets and Outflows in Young Protostars Probed by JWST IFU Spectroscopy

Raiki NIshizawa – Impurity effects on ultraviolet absorption of unsaturated fatty acid

Reo Sato – In situ electron diffraction analysis of vapor-deposited water ice at 120 K

Ross Alexander Burns – VLBI observations of methanol masers during a high-mass protostar accretion burst

Shiori Inada – Interaction between silicate surface and gas-phase H2 and H2O at high temperatures: kinetic experiments on sublimation of forsterite

Shohei Yamazaki – Quantum chemical calculations on the photoreactions of c-C3H2 and c-C3HCCH

Shota Saito – Photolysis and photoabsorption cross section of liquid saturated fatty acid

Shoto Nakagawa – Collision branching dynamics in the interstellar H3+ + HNCO

Takahiro Oyama – Laboratory measurement of methanol isotopologues by using the emission type spectrometer SUMIRE

Takanori Matsui – Effect of surface treatment on the organic coating of Fe3O4 nanoparticles

Takashi Shimonishi – ALMA 350 GHz Spectral Line Survey of an Organic-poor High-mass Protostar in the Large Magellanic Cloud

Takeshi Hasegawa – Experimental measurement of infrared band strength for dangling OH bonds in interstellar ice analogue

Tatsuhiro Hirai – Gas adsorption on the magnetite surface studied by scanning tunnelling microscopy

Tomoya Hirota – Flux variation of the methanol lines in the high-mass young stellar object G24.33+0.14

Tomoyuki Hanawa – The Origin of the Shell Structure in the Primary Outflow from IRAS 15398-3359

Valentina Forero Fuentes – Formation of diverse water-soluble molecules through experimental hydrothermal alteration of insoluble organic matter from carbonaceous chondrites

Yoichi Nakai – Reactions of low-energy ions with an ice surface at low temperature conditions

Yuki Okoda – Effects of a Young Protostar's Evolution on its Surroundings

Yuto Komichi – A study on chemical evolution during molecular cloud formation based on 3-dimensional MHD simulations

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